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A limp/lameness

A limp can be due to many problems. Sometimes a dog will limp because they have something irritating their paw, sometimes it will be due to a knee or hip problem, or it may also be highlighting a problem with the dogs back or neck.


Identifying the cause is the key to guiding treatment. Your vet will do necessary investigations and provide you with medications if required and a plan for how to manage the limp. Physiotherapy can help support this plan and will be tailored around the individual needs of the dog. 

How can physio help?

Physiotherapy will look at the cause of the limp and then work on a programme to improve strength and support of any affected joints. Techniques to help with any pain present will also be provided There are normally sore areas in the muscles near to the reason for the limp, so these will be treated. Functional exercises looking at quality of movement will be given and you will have a home exercise regime to follow outside of sessions. Advice on walks and activities at home will be provided.



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